Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Getting Hitched (Superstitions - Madness or Fun?) 219 days

Hello Bloggers,

Some superstitions are just plain insane, but I'm considering following a few that may be fun.

  1. Something borrowed, something blue, something old & something new - this is something I'll probably plan on doing because it's like a challenge almost (& I'm very competitive)
  2. Groom carries bride over the threshold - I've seen too many bloopers on TV of this not being successful & it seems the bride always gets the bad end.  Before this is even considered, we will have to practice.  It's not that I don't trust HTB (Hubby To Be)...but where I work we are taught "trust but verify".
  3. Rain on your wedding day is good luck - well since we are getting married in AZ, I'm going to look forward to bad luck.  I'll take any lemons life hands me & make a cocktail!
  4. Throwing something after you are married...blowing bubbles, throwing rice or in some countries throwing peas (hopefully those peas aren't cooked).  Bubbles might be ok...but maybe we can release a swarm of bees & it can spell out JUST MARRIED in the air (sometimes I live in a cartoon world).
  5. Smooshing cake in each other's faces.  I don't even know how to address this one.  A little dab of frosting will be OK....cake or frosting in my hair is NOT OK.
  6. If the bride & groom see each other before the wedding it's bad luck.  This one I plan on breaking.  We plan on having our photos taken before the ceremony.  Plan is to capture a few photos of when we see each other for the first time. 
What superstitions did you follow on your wedding or what other strange rules have you seen?

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